Thursday, December 30, 2010


Christmas this year was bittersweet. This was the first year that Erik stopped believing in Santa. However, I was proud of him pretending to believe for his sisters. Erik also made and gave me my favorite gift of this year: a 3D oragami rose that transforms from a box into a gorgeous, intricate rose!

Chloe really got into unwrapping presents for the first time. She sat and was so calm, but worked away at her gifts.

I love getting pictures of them fresh out of bed: the messy hair, the sleepy eyes, slippers, etc.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Aftermath

21.5 inches of blizzard. Funny how kids see this as amazingly awesome and adults see it otherwise.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

lights, white, and frostbite

Ahhh, winter. It has come in with a bang! I am keeping the optimism that this will mean a mild spring...but only time will tell.

So some misc pics while we are housebound today.

The view from my window...I didnt want to even open the door to take a pic, for fear that my lens would get wet.

My playing with shutter speeds on my camera. Yes, sometimes the most simple things can amuse me.

The snails (which are crawling through the snow, of course) that my mini Martha Stewart (aka Reagan) made this afternoon.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

A boy and his dog

I dont think I even need to type anything :) Best Buds Forever.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Our household...

Lots going on at our house - school is in full swing, getting ready for Christmas, and a loooooong list of teachers/specialists/paras to shop for.

We will be having a white Christmas, that's a given. I must admit, I am excited for that means skiing! YAY! Something I havent done in YEARS, but with my son now an avid skiier, I may have an excuse.

Chloe is talking more. LOVE it. I love this picture of her since she is looking straight at me and telling what's on her mind. You go Chloe - keep talking and dont stop.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

this child cracks me up

Reagan. Reagan has to be one of the most creative and clever kids I have known. Last night, she decided to put on a circus, and made her own shirts out of Target plastic bags. She just cut out the bottom, decorated them and put her arms through the handles.

She made a shirt for all of us, including Lexi. And yes, Lexi wore it. Plus, Lexi got a bit of bright pink blush put onto her golden cheeks. I dont think she was as amused as Reagan was.

Oh and Reagan's shirt that she decorated for says "I didnt do it". She kills me.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Martha "Sweetheart"

My darling Reagan has been into Martha Stewart lately. It started around Halloween time, resulting in a big party, complete with pretty cool treats. Reagan misread Martha's name and thought it said "Sweetheart" not 'Stewart", and although I have corrected her, the sweet name stuck.

Reagan will now check Martha's website daily, as she has a "cookie of the day" each day. She found that Martha has a "cutest cupcake" contest going on now, and Reagan was thrilled to enter. So tonight included baking and decorating. I must say that my daughter's imagination is much more advanced than my own.

Here are the end results. Reagan is so proud, but I am pretty sure that there is at least one other who is even more proud :)

Wish her luck!!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

too long and too fast

period. It's been too long since I posted and the summer has gone by way too fast. I have three kids in elementary school now. Let me tell you how *FUN* (insert sarcasm here) it is to buy school supplies for three kids. The lists are long, the supplies are low and the patience is weak. But it's done and less than two weeks I am going to think that my house is waaaayyyy too quiet. Plus, my baby will be ten - TEN. Double digits. I must have had him when I was 16 ;)

Anyway, here are some pictures from over the summer. I must say that I have L.O.V.E.D. my photography business!!!!!! It has kept me busy from time to time and allowed me to capture people other than my kdis (which are still my fav, but good to experience more).

Hope you all had a great summer. I must admit that I do NOT miss the hunidity!

Monday, May 17, 2010

My Website!!!!!

It's up and running.
Please take a look and let me know what you think. I would love any sort of critique!!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

under construction

You'll have to forgive me for taking a haitus from posting here....I am building a website for my new photopraghy business!! I am so excited to start this new journey, but I have been telling myself "if you want it, GO FOR IT!" Life is too short. I have heard many people say "at the end of a person's life, their regrets are not things that they have done, but those things they have not done".

So, I will be back to post the new site once it is completed.
Until then.....

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Blossom Hunt

My kids love the outdoors. One night, Reagan wanted to go on a hunt for flower blossoms. She remembered that there were trees with flowers outside of Target, and wanted to go look and smell them. We went there and it then ended up as a drive around the neighborhood looking at all the blossoming trees. I love Spring.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Yesterday was gorgeous. I think Spring is making up for the long, cold, and snowy winter we had to endure. We got some huge bubble wands (Thank you dollar section at Target!), and just had some fun!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

mish mash

This post if going to be a variety of pictures I have taken over the past week or so. I am SO loving that I can take my camera outside and see something other than white snow and gray clouds.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Lexi, the baby of the family, is over 4 months old now. I estimate that she has tripled her size since we got her, but she is still a cute little thing. She is fitting in very well with our family and is a perfect addition.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter: Family

We spent Easter at a restauant for brunch with family. It was GORGEOUS and so nice to have someone else prepare a meal and pick up after us! There was an outside area with a pond, path and places to walk and we took advantage of it after our meal.