period. It's been too long since I posted and the summer has gone by way too fast. I have three kids in elementary school now. Let me tell you how *FUN* (insert sarcasm here) it is to buy school supplies for three kids. The lists are long, the supplies are low and the patience is weak. But it's done and less than two weeks I am going to think that my house is waaaayyyy too quiet. Plus, my baby will be ten - TEN. Double digits. I must have had him when I was 16 ;)
Anyway, here are some pictures from over the summer. I must say that I have L.O.V.E.D. my photography business!!!!!! It has kept me busy from time to time and allowed me to capture people other than my kdis (which are still my fav, but good to experience more).
Hope you all had a great summer. I must admit that I do NOT miss the hunidity!