Monday, April 25, 2011


Easter finally had some good weather. We went to my parents house and the kids really enjoyed playing inside AND outside.

I prefer taking candid shots of events moreso than posed ones, so here is my collection of some of the shots from the day.

Hope everyone has a great week.

hugs, shelley

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My Reagan on a warm spring night

She wanted to ride her scooter to a friends house, and was temporarily disappointed when no one answered their door. But she quickly decided that she and I would play a game of "soccer hockey" that she made up. She beat me, of course.

Monday, April 11, 2011


My good friend let me come into her yard today and take pictures of her flowers. Here is one in a frame by Organic Bloom - "Jessie" in pink hydramgea. Just one of many styles and colors I can get for you.

Happy Spring.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Spring catch up

Havent posted too many pics lately, but I just want to say how much I L.O.V.E. the warmer weather. The 6 foot snowbank by the end of our drvieway *finally* is GONE!

The kids have been taking advantage of the nicer weather and we are back to playing in the yard (excuse me while I cry thinking it's been 6 months since we did so...).

Summer, here we come!