Today was a perfect day to do a craft project that I have been wanting to do with my girls. I cant take credit for this idea, I found it on another mom's blog, but thought it looked so cute, so easy and would be perfect for their rooms.
We went to Michaels and got supplies. We painted canvases with acrylic paint. Then used watercolors on watercolor paper (Important) and went crazy painting. Then, when the paint was dry, punched out butterflies and glued them to the canvases.
Reagan, my dear Reagan, who goes against the grain did NOT want what is typically done (put them randomly across the canvas) - she decided to have the butterflies crossing in the middle. I have to admire her "thinking outside the box" mentality altough it can get a bit frustrating. But I do love her finished piece (the red one). Yes, I did help Chloe with hers (my FAVORITE color of blue)...she seemed more interested in feeling the paint rather than painting with it.