Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Blossom Hunt

My kids love the outdoors. One night, Reagan wanted to go on a hunt for flower blossoms. She remembered that there were trees with flowers outside of Target, and wanted to go look and smell them. We went there and it then ended up as a drive around the neighborhood looking at all the blossoming trees. I love Spring.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Yesterday was gorgeous. I think Spring is making up for the long, cold, and snowy winter we had to endure. We got some huge bubble wands (Thank you dollar section at Target!), and just had some fun!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

mish mash

This post if going to be a variety of pictures I have taken over the past week or so. I am SO loving that I can take my camera outside and see something other than white snow and gray clouds.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Lexi, the baby of the family, is over 4 months old now. I estimate that she has tripled her size since we got her, but she is still a cute little thing. She is fitting in very well with our family and is a perfect addition.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter: Family

We spent Easter at a restauant for brunch with family. It was GORGEOUS and so nice to have someone else prepare a meal and pick up after us! There was an outside area with a pond, path and places to walk and we took advantage of it after our meal.