Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Joy of Love - Finale/My Style

I have enjoyed the daily assignments from my Joy of Life project, but after giving it a fair try for a couple of weeks, decided to do daily posts of what naturally happens in my life.

For example, tonight was parent watch night at Reagan's dance. I took several pictures, and may post some, but really liked the finished photo above.

So, I abandon my given project to do more "free will" photopgraphy.

Hugs to all

The Joy of Love- Day 16

"Together - Self Portrait"

I wanted my picture to include my only son. Erik is 10 and looks and acts more mature than his chronological age. I feel like I blinked in 2000 and got to where we are now.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Joy of Love - Day 15


Erik is such a great big brother. He truly looks out for his little sisters and loves them to death. Here is one of Erik giving a kiss to Chloe. Yes, my heart is melting :)


Monday, February 14, 2011

The Joy of Love- Day 14


Since today *is* Valentine's Day, I thought I'd have my little Ms. Reagan show off some of her jewerly - right off of the Ice Cream Cake from Cold Stone :)

The Joy of Love - Day 13


Since there is very little in our house that is "set in stone" as far as routine goes, my choices on capturing something like this was limited. However, mornings are the exception....5 days a week anyway.

Mornings start with the trickle of the three kiddos heading down to the couch, snuggling up with a blanket and turning on "Phinneas and Ferb". Even Chloe seems captivated by this show . I do allow them to eat breakfast here (much to Rick's chagrin), and all is mellow until the mad dash to get out the door.

My moment of peace - the calm before the storm :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Joy of Love - Day 12


I love this topic because I adore...I envy each of my childrens' eyes. The color and sparkle. How they all resemble each other, yet hold their own, unique look.

The eyes truly are the window's into one's soul.


The Joy of Love - Day 7 revisited

The twins and I got to go visit my parents this weekend. I *really* wanted a picture of all three kids, but Erik decided to go master the ski slopes with his Dad. (Cant blame him...he is a good skiier and conditions were great).

So here is my picture of "generations" - my girls with my parents. I think this is a picture I will cherish forever.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Joy of Love - Day 11


My darling Reagan's dream was once my dream. As a fellow animal lover, she wants to become a vet.

But she doesnt just want to become a vet; she wants to be a vet, own acres upon acres of farm land and own "millions of animals".

I have lost count of how many stuffed animals that girl has. She can tell you about each and every one, and takes great care of them with her Barbie Vet Care Center.

Yep, any animal under Reagan's care would be a very, very lucky animal.

Go for your dream, my sweet girl.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Joy of Love - Day 10

"Space - Where they are comfortable".

Chloe loves, LOVES, her baths. She will request a good soak several times a day, complete with a lot of bubbles. She is in heaven here, and that's when she and I get in good conversations.

She is a mommy's girl because, lord knows, I love a good bubble bath, too!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Joy of Love - Day 9

"passions and hobbies"

I love that Reagan is a reader. She *loves* to read. I often catch her sitting in her room, (or laying on the floor as she is in these pictures) deeply engrossed in a book.

She will read anything from simple, picture books, to chapter books.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Joy of Love - Day 8

"gift from the heart"

..what they have given you.

Erik has given me so much. What came to mind, is more the emotions that he makes stir in me. The kid is freaking smart, so smart. He can build and construct anything. He's very analytical and detailed. He gets straight "A"s in honors math.

He gives me amazement and pride.

Here is his latest creation, built from Legos. The picture doesnt do the detailed piece of work justice, but he certainly gave me a thorough overview of each part of this creation.

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Joy of Love - Day 7

....will be coming soon. It's the kids and their "ancestors". I am waiting for a great photo op with the gradparents :)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Joy of Love - Day 6

"Who They Love".

All of my kids ADORE our puppy, Lexi. But I think it's Reagan who has a special bond - with animals in general. She wants to be a vet. She dotes on Lexi all the time and Lexi sure isnt lacking love with Reagan around.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Joy of Love - Day 5

"Love to Hate"

I try not to let my (undiagnosed) OCD/TypeA/Anal self let things like this get to me - I really do. But after *months* of having to dress three kids like snowmen every day just to leave the house, and seeing THIS image when they come in....well it's like fingernails on the chalkboard now.

But I have to remind myself how lucky - how BLESSED - I am to have this "mess" in my house. This pile of clothes represents what I have - my three precious angles.

One day, this pile won't be there, and oh how I'll wish it was.

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Joy of Love - Day 4

"What they Wear".

Easy. Every day, after school, Chloe comes home and does a wardrobe change into her PJs. "ammies", she calls them.
Can we blame her???


Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Joy of Love - Day 3

"Then and Now" was the theme.

I decided to show my beautiful twin girls, born back in 2003. Boy, have they grown...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Joy of Love - Day 2

The theme for today... "What they look like".

My decision for my subject.....Erik. My boy, my heart.

Here is a picture from this morning. He's sitting in the morning sunlight, and waiting for the ride to school.


The Joy of Love - Day 1

I have signed up for a free month-long class called "The Joy Of Love". It's a photography class and each day we are given a theme to photograph. We photograph loved ones: husband, kids, pets, etc.... I decided to photograph my kids :)

(If you would like to take a look at this free class, check out

The first day (Feb 1st) was titled "What they Do". I had a hard time deciding what to photograph. I mean, you know kids, they are go go go 100% of the day. I ended up deciding to photograph Reagan, walking home from the bus stop, checking the mail. This is part of her routine each afternoon, and the lighting that time of day is perfect. PLUS I just had to document what a darling little snowman she was because of how cold and how much snow we have gotten!

So each day I will post my photo, plus the theme title. I am excited to do this, as it's been a long winter without much outdoor photography. I am ITCHING to start my business roaring this Spring!!


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Organic Bloom frames - second post of day :)

To get a better feel of how the frames look, here are some examples of some clients' photos in the frames: different styles and colors.


Organic Bloom has come out with a (gorgeous) new color pallet! You can get any style frame, any size with any of these new colors. They are SO worth the price - artwork for your pictures.

Let me know if I can get some of these in your home!

Have an awesome day!! Hugs - shelley