Thursday, November 18, 2010

this child cracks me up

Reagan. Reagan has to be one of the most creative and clever kids I have known. Last night, she decided to put on a circus, and made her own shirts out of Target plastic bags. She just cut out the bottom, decorated them and put her arms through the handles.

She made a shirt for all of us, including Lexi. And yes, Lexi wore it. Plus, Lexi got a bit of bright pink blush put onto her golden cheeks. I dont think she was as amused as Reagan was.

Oh and Reagan's shirt that she decorated for says "I didnt do it". She kills me.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Martha "Sweetheart"

My darling Reagan has been into Martha Stewart lately. It started around Halloween time, resulting in a big party, complete with pretty cool treats. Reagan misread Martha's name and thought it said "Sweetheart" not 'Stewart", and although I have corrected her, the sweet name stuck.

Reagan will now check Martha's website daily, as she has a "cookie of the day" each day. She found that Martha has a "cutest cupcake" contest going on now, and Reagan was thrilled to enter. So tonight included baking and decorating. I must say that my daughter's imagination is much more advanced than my own.

Here are the end results. Reagan is so proud, but I am pretty sure that there is at least one other who is even more proud :)

Wish her luck!!!!